Aqua culture
DAPL Inc brings the Revolutionary Product in Aquaculture Industry ensuring better yield and 100% Organic practices in Shrimp & Fish Farming Worldwide thus adding into the ecology and Farmer’s happiness.
About Product Details
Result of years of research and dedication, Velox is a 100 % organic solution made from natural extracts to enhance and boost the aquaculture commerce. It not just ensures dropping your running cost but also delivers you a better and healthier yield at a comparatively much lower cost. Velox gives you an organic and healthy pond environment for farming healthy shrimps.
Key Benefits & Advantages of Velox Liquid
Basal Dosage
This being used as basal dosage eventually improves the fertility of the soil to support phytoplankton.
Fixing Oxygen
Phytoplanktons are used as a feed as well as create a clean and conducive atmosphere for shrimp during day time. It fixes enough oxygen so that shrimp gets sufficient oxygen everywhere and swims gently during day time, since shrimp is nocturnal by nature.
Cost Saving
The VELOX’s regular usage, again not a costly affair, induces continuous support to phytoplankton growth and fixes more oxygen during day time such that it may cross 18 ppt by 5 pm if the sun shines brightly. The higher oxygen availability in the pond enables the farmers to skip using generators for aerators up to 5 – 6 hours. This helps to save diesel for generators depending upon the capacity. For example, if we consider a three acre pond the saving of diesel would be around 10 lts a day and during the crop it may be about 900 lts which is about Rs. 50,000/- per crop. This will directly help the government to save on crude imports and if the farmers are united and save the amount may run in millions.
Pollution Free Pond
VELOX helps the growth of the phytoplankton which maintain the clarity of water thereby it controls or give little scope for bacterial or viral load, since water clarity plays a major role in aquaculture VELOX along with cost effective biocontrol keep the pond safe and free from internal and external parasites. This will help to curb the growth of Vibrio – a major threat to Shrimp culture. VELOX helps the pond pollution free and this helps the farmers to keep the area pollution free and carbon – di- oxide free since carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen by phytoplankton during day time using sunlight and water.
Improves FCR
VELOX helps the growth of phytoplankton which is a favorite feed for Shrimps (and also other aquaculture) and the commercial feed may be reduced proportionately. In practical studies it is estimated that the saving would be ranging from 22 to 30%. This activity helps the farmers to cut down their expenses and it automatically amounts to saving with a notable reduction in production cost. The farmers will realize that the curve of FCR is favorably declining and will find a new trend because the reduction of feed usage is notably seen.
Antibiotics Free Growth
VELOX helps the growth of phytoplankton- favorite feed – and the quality of the yield will be accepted by all the exporters, since the usage of antibiotics are not necessary.
The growth of phytoplankton that the Shrimp of any day need not search their feed in the bottom broadcast by the farmers – which requires an immediate change to a new system to save the feed – their first choice will be phytoplankton and then the rest.
Provides a clean environment to the Shrimps all the time changing water from culture to culture may not be necessary. This is a major advantage and the farmers use less water and use the water efficiently.
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